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Notice of Intent to Drill

A Notice of Intent to Drill shall be filed with the district prior to the drilling of any well, whether exempt or permitted.  Following receipt of a Notice of Intent to Drill, the Manager may approve the drilling of any well that is exempt from permitting under Rule 8.2 or  Section 36.117 of the Texas Water Code and drilling may proceed.  

All proposed new well locations must be approved by the appropriate water conservation prior to drilling. This notice of intent to drill may be mailed or faxed. The District staff shall review the form and make a preliminary determination on whether the well meets the exemptions provided by district rules and respond to this request within 5 working days. If the preliminary determination is that the well is exempt, drilling may begin immediately upon receiving the approved Notice of Intent to Drill. The drilling of a new well is at your own risk and subject to the rules of the District. It shall be a violation of District Rules for a well owner, well operator, or water well driller to drill any well without the approved Notice of Intent to Drill form filed with the District.

Please fill out the form below and submit through the website:

Notice of Intent to Drill


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